UNSC Resolution 1325
The DAARTT activities work directly in support of Resolution 1325 in respect of both the spirit and aims laid out in its preamble and the action prescribed in its operational paragraphs.
DAARTT makes a strong contribution to counter the gender inequality resulting from armed conflict and insecurity, which makes it particularly difficult for girls to pursue education.
In a medium and longer term perspective, the activities promote the participation and influence of women in the political debate by helping advance their education and increases their role in decision making, including with regard to conflict prevention and resolution at national, local and domestic level – also working in support of lowering violence against women.
Through the measures to make schools and universities attractive and acceptable places for girls and women, DAARTT contributes to implementing international humanitarian and human rights law that protects the rights of girls and women during and after conflicts – in particular addressing their special needs in conflict and post conflict situations.