Deh Sayedan mixed high school
This mixed school is in critical need of more classrooms. It is located in Deh Sayedan village, Maymaneh, district 6, a relatively secure area, where families are supportive of education of girls as well as boys. Pressure on the school has been mounting due to population increase.
There are 901 girls and 632 boys in the school (totally 1.533) – excluding long term absentees. The school consists of an 8 classroom building constructed in 2005, when there were only 584 students.
Due to limited space, education has to take place in three shifts – meaning reduced time and curriculum – with sixteen classes taught in open air.
There is a need for a 16 classroom building, but not sufficient land for this. DAARTT is constructing an eight classroom building in two storeys. This will improve the situation, but not fully address the space problem.
Deh Sayedan mixed high school, Maymaneh, district 6
Grade 1-12 / 8 classrooms
Completed in November 2019